Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Big One?

One day in early April 2012, I realised that:
1) I would have a lot of holidays to take this year.
2) my girlfriend wouldn't.
So I might have up to 4 weeks to spare. Make the most of it? Of course! Let's do something BIG! I wanted this year to be the year of the Aiguille Verte, the Frendo, the Innominata, the Kufner. One, maybe two of these routes would have made this year a success. Now it would seem I might have the time to try that, but also to try something bigger, more remote, crazier...
My chances of success at the AIguille Verte are not anywhere near 100%, but in 4 weeks the same engagement could take me up something BIG. I'm not sure when the next time will be that I can afford to take 4 weeks on my own, but right now I'm young, fit (I'd like to think so) and free.
So I basically want to have a go at a mountain of some description, higher than anything I've done before. I want to take part in an "expedition". This simple word gives me the creeps and makes my heart jumps. Fly far away, walk high up and measure myself to a summit.
I am still trying to grasp what is going on in my mind, but an expedition sounds like the right thing for me, a new start, a new horizon.
Hopefully this blog will see how I progress with the idea, it will include the philosophy in which I'm envisaging this crazy thing, it will review the possible options, it will explain the steps I take to prepare, it will detail the steps of the planning process. Let's see what happens...

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